Early Mornings

There’s this online magazine I read called Zikoko. I don’t think I can hype it up enough. It makes me laugh and cry and sometimes, the quizzes make me feel like the writers dabble in black magic because of how accurate the answers are for me.

This morning, I read something that made me very uncomfortable on their new segment where Nigerian young adults talk about their sex life – the good, the bad, the funny and the surprising. It’s called SexLife by the way in case you want to check it out.

I’m not going into details so read it yourself. Anyway anonymous tells us that his first encounter with a professional was not the greatest because they asked if he had ‘tried Jesus’.


Hold your horses. While I am a firm believer in the power of Christ and his ability to set ‘captives’ free, I also believe in professionalism in the work place.

‘But Deb, the things of the spirit don’t make sense to the canal minded. We need to evangelize any and everywhere. Your church personality shouldn’t be different from your work personality…’

Okay why did this professional go to school to learn psychology or whatever they studied? Why didn’t they just go to bible school and sit in the church to pray for those who came WILLINGLY and asked for it? I mean if they aren’t going to use the professional methods to help others then what is the use?

I just think that if I go to a professional to speak about things going on in my life, that’s what I want to get. Do you understand me? Of course I know there is a God. I know about Jesus and prayer but I didn’t give you my hard earned money to ask me if I’ve tried Jesus.

Maybe after my session, when you have listened to me and realized I’m open to talking about Christ and prayer you can then bring it up. Like my mother used to say ‘kini gbogbo frapapa yen na’ (loosely translates to ‘what is all that rubbish’).

Let me know your thoughts on this please. Maybe my thought process is wrong.

Also don’t forget to check out Zikoko Magazine because they make my days better.


2 responses to “Early Mornings”

  1. This is so sad bruv. I strongly believe in Jesus Christ but that professional should’ve provided their professional help. Some therapists incorporate theology into their practice but this is an option that is available to those who ask for it.

    For all this professional knew, the young man could have been an atheist and mentioning religion in that way could’ve made him feel judged, or feel like his problems were being belittled and thus could’ve prevented him from actually getting the help he needed. I think that question probably came from a major place of ignorance; which is normal for a place like Nigeria where some religious people ignore the “work” component of faith. Faith without works is dead so in addition to praying to God for help, we have to do our part and put in the work in order to get better.

    What happened here would be similar to a doctor asking a patient with chicken-pox if they had tried Christ before coming to the hospital for help, instead of getting them help.

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